Big blog update

It’s 12:30 am, it’s a hot night during a scorching Australian Summer and I can’t sleep, so let’s do this.

I haven’t written any blog posts in a while because life became busy for a multitude of reasons which aren’t really blog topics at all, and then I became pretty burnt out on the game shortly after. The problem I tend to have with hobbies is that I become somewhat obsessed and attempt to consume all of the information and produce all of the things – the star that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

In roughly chronological order, since my last post I have…

Painted a Rasputina crew for a “Crew box + 1 extra box only” Tournament as an excuse to start a new crew when broken promises came out. I chose Raspy + December Acolytes, won 1/3 games because the scheme pools were very marker heavy and my crew wasn’t super capable of running schemes. It was a good time though and Rasputina is a very enjoyable master, I liked her straightforward playstyle and blowing shit up with blasts is rad. Radsputina. Summoning Ice Golem’s is also quite fun when timed right.

Played a little Yan Lo, his new upgrades make him a lot better and in my opinion he’s probably one of the stronger masters in the game currently due to a super high skill ceiling. He’s a Swiss army knife now, he can fully utilize just about everything he has.

I continued to run Molly and Reva as a pair for tournaments as they seem capable of covering each other’s weaknesses and both work well for me. To be fair though, Reva isn’t very hard to play at all, yet she has enough tricks that make for some advanced play.

I’ve been running Killjoy with Reva though, I find it works well because I’m putting the 2 most knee-jerk feared models on the table, at the same time, dealing with both at the same time is stressful and that’s when mistakes are made. I’ve tried the Carrion Emissary + Yin fuckery just like everyone else, but I don’t rate it. Big bird is too squishy and MLH + Shards of Kythera is a one trick pony (says the man running Killjoy). I’ve been meaning to run McTavish with Reva too but am yet to get around to it.

I built an old west style table, it was a great project and I learnt a lot about working with MDF terrain. I was originally planning a city table or snow table but ultimately went with old west because the terrain was cheap on ebay and Malifaux has a overarching west theme anyway.

I ran an introductory event for new players, there has been a lot of new player interest in the game recently so I took the initiative and ran something for them. It was good TO experience for the future.

I picked up, painted and played some of GW’s new game, Shadespire. It feels dirty to buy something from GW (I will never not be salty about the death of WHFB) but I think it’s a solid product overall – the gameplay is solid, good fun and the models and board game elements are quality, the price was also pretty reasonable too. I’ve played a handful of games so far and it was great fun. 30 minute games are a breath of fresh air and the game doesn’t require too much thought, even though it has good tactical depth. The only downside is that the online community for the game consists of elite rules lawyers, welcome to the supreme court of Shadespire. The worst thing GW did was call the game competitive, it truly draws the worst out in people.

And most recently I picked up Infinity. I’m pretty excited about it so I started a second blog to record my progress as I get in to the game, learning a new game is always exciting when everything is new and shiny. I was going to write about it on this blog, but I wanted to keep this blog primarily Malifaux based and I know that I’m going to be producing enough Infinity content that it really warrants its own blog. It’s really got me back in to blogging again. Check it out here if you want.

I’m pretty much on break for Malifaux while I delve in to Infinity. I’m burnt out on Malifaux at the moment. I’m not actively seeking games of Malifaux but if anyone asks for a game I will play them, and I will still go to tournaments if the opportunity arises.

I really needed to play a few extra games to stop myself getting burnt out, it helps immensely to mix it up.

I never got around to finishing the Hamelin crew because it’s fucking boring to paint. I’m not even particularly interested in his playstyle anymore, I’ve faced him now and he’s pretty boring to play against. If I do end up even playing him I’m going to run him as an obey master, 100%.  I’ll probably finish painting him and sell him at some point.

I’m considering selling a lot of my other crews too, I just don’t have the time to play them all. I have masters that I haven’t played since this time last year and they don’t look like they are going to see play any time soon. Marcus. Brewmaster. I really like Raspy but I’m not sure I’ll get back to playing her any time soon… I got her out for a single tournament before going back to playing Ressers. If I was super pragmatic I would sell everything except for Molly, Reva and Mah Tucket. I want to keep just the Ressers and 2 other masters, but I need to put a lot of thought in to this before I decide. I have something like 13 masters currently and it’s just way too many.

I also ended up with a Lilith crew box from a tournament too and I already have too many masters… I was going to give it to a family member but they weren’t that interested in Malifaux after a few demos, so I have to figure out a use for Lilith at some point too. I’m going to try and trade her for something useful most likely.

When I get back in to the game I’m going to pick 2 masters I haven’t played a whole lot of so it will be like the game is kind of new again.

Not a super exciting post, but I was compelled to write it. Next post should be due in 6 months or so…

One thought on “Big blog update

  1. Sorry to see you burned out, but I guess that happends. Nice looking Raspi crew!
    BTW, maybe the upcoming GG18 is a refreshment for your game as well 🙂

    I really like reading your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

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